Lupin 3 : The First ลูแปงที่ 3 ฉกมหาสมบัติไดอารี่ (2019)
Lupin III: The First (2019)
1h 33min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 27 February 2020 (Thailand)
Director: Takashi Yamazaki
Writers: Monkey Punch (characters), Takashi Yamazaki (script)
Stars: Kan’ichi Kurita, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Daisuke Namikawa
Lupin 3 : The First อนิเมชั่นสามมิติของจอมโจรในตำนาน ลูแปงที่ 3 และผองเพื่อนที่มาพร้อมกับภารกิจข้ามโลกสุดมันส์ จากปลายปากกาของมังกี้ พันช์ (คาซูฮิโกะ คาโต) ที่กลายเป็นซีรี่ส์อนิเมชั่นชื่อดังและภาพยนตร์คนแสดงมาแล้ว สู่บทบาทอนิเมชั่นสามมิติครั้งแรกบนโลกภาพยนตร์ เรื่องราวของจอมโจร อาเซน ลูแปงที่ 3 พร้อมด้วยผองเพื่อนอย่างนักแม่นปืน จิเก็น ไดซุเกะ, ซามูไรหนุ่ม อิชิคาวะ โกเอมอน และจอมโจรสาว มิเนะ ฟูจิโกะ ที่ต้องร่วมมือกับหญิงสาวนามว่า เลติเชีย ในการผจญภัยข้ามทวีปเพื่อไขปริศนาไดอารี่ของเบรสซองที่อาจมีความเกี่ยวข้องกับตัวตนที่แท้จริงของ ลูแปง
ดูหนังออนไลน์ ปลอดภัย ไร้โฆษณาบัง ไม่เสี่ยงโดนไวรัสจากเว็ปไซต์
ดูหนังบลูเรย์ ดูหนัง4K FWIPTV หนังคม ชัด เสียง MASTER HD, DTS 5.1, 7.1

ดูหนังบลูเรย์ หนัง 4K หนัง FULL HD
In Nazi-occupied France, archaeologist Professor Bresson entrusts his heavily trapped diary and an amulet containing the key to the book to his family. The diary is purported to be the guide to an immense treasure called the Eclipse, which a group of Nazis working for Ahnenerbe is seeking. Bresson is killed by the arriving Germans; his family escapes, but is chased down by Ahnenerbe professor Lambert, and ends up in a car crash which only the infant daughter survives. Lambert steals the amulet, but is unable to find the diary, which was lost during the chase.
In the 1960s, the diary resurfaces during a memorial exhibition in Bresson’s honor. Lupin III tries to steal the book, as his grandfather had unsuccessfully attempted before him, only to be foiled first by a young woman disguised as a security guard, then by Fujiko, and to be arrested by Inspector Zenigata. On his way to prison, Lupin is sprung by his friends Jigen and Goemon and sneaks into the home of the fake security guard, a prospective archeology student named Laetitia. He presents a medal identical to the one stolen by Lambert, which his grandfather had left him. Laetitia contacts Lambert, her adoptive grandfather who ordered her to steal the book in the first place. Lambert tells her to bring Lupin and the amulet to him, in exchange for sending her to Boston University to study archeology.
Fujiko delivers the diary to a group of Ahnenerbe fugitives looking for the Eclipse, among them Lambert and their leader Gerard. However, Gerard quickly discovers Fujiko’s duplicity and has her detained. Laetitia leads Lupin to Lambert’s hideout, a customized transport plane, where they retrieve the book and the counterpart to Lupin’s amulet. Lupin succeeds in opening the diary, and the two learn that the Eclipse is a power generator left behind by a highly advanced lost civilisation and is hidden in the ruins of Teotihuacan. Knowing Laetitia has led him into a trap, Lupin willingly surrenders to Gerard and Lambert. Fujiko uses Lupin as a diversion to escape on her own. Lupin sneaks back into the plane and eavesdrops on Gerard and Lambert, learning in the process that they are seeking none other than Adolf Hitler, who reportedly faked his death and escaped to South America during the fall of Berlin, and is now intending to use the Eclipse to resurrect the Third Reich.
When Laetitia, who has also overheard the conversation, confronts the two men, Gerard throws her out of the plane. Snatching the diary and the amulets back, Lupin jumps after her, and he and Laetitia are then rescued by Fujiko, Jigen and Goemon. Left stranded, Lupin summons Zenigata to his location and steals his Interpol helicopter. Zenigata manages to get back on board, and after learning of the stakes, he teams up with Lupin’s gang and Laetitia to thwart the villains. During a stopover, Lupin reveals to Laetitia that he has deduced her to be Bresson’s granddaughter and that Lambert adopted her only to get his hands on the diary and the Eclipse. He also discovers that his grandfather had actually helped Bresson find the Eclipse, but afterwards trapped the book to prevent the Eclipse from falling into the wrong hands.
Gerard and Lambert find the Eclipse’s hiding place, but are unable to proceed past its traps without the diary, forcing them to return to where they left Lupin. Exploiting their absence, Lupin’s team makes it past the obstacles, but are then forced to discover that their enemies’ retreat was merely a ruse to clear the path to the Eclipse. Lambert and Gerard activate the Eclipse, which carries them and Laetitia back to the surface, but Lupin’s team intercepts them before they can escape, scuttling Lambert’s plane. Lambert uses the Eclipse to get the plane to fly again, and activates a micro black hole to finish off Lupin’s team; believing them dead, and drunk with power, he claims the device for himself and incinerates the diary. When he prepares to use the Eclipse to destroy Berlin, Gerard fights him; when Laetitia takes control of the device, Gerard shoots at her, but Lambert takes the bullet for her and dies. Right afterwards, Gerard receives the news that Hitler has been located and takes the Eclipse and Laetitia to him.
When Gerard arrives at the Ahnenerbe headquarters, he meets with Hitler and the two depart on the Eclipse to test its capabilities. Left behind, Letitia discovers that Lupin’s gang have beaten Gerard to the base with the help of Zenigata and Interpol, and Lupin has disguised himself as Hitler. Back on the Eclipse, Lupin reveals himself and Gerard attacks him, but Lupin tampers with the Eclipse controls to release a micro black hole directly inside the Eclipse. Gerard is sucked into the hole and perishes, while Lupin barely escapes with a gravity device he kept from the Teotihuacan ruins. After a fond but hasty good-bye to Laetitia – and gifting her with the gravity device and her enrollment into Boston – Lupin and his associates rush to escape Zenigata’s ever-zealous attention.